SARC’s mission is to connect individuals and organizations from around the world committed to discovering, developing, and delivering the latest and most promising treatments for sarcoma.

The sarcoma research, clinical, and patient communities are geographically scattered and under-resourced. It is essential to share scientific knowledge and advance research for improved treatments to defeat sarcoma.

Simply put, SARC drives high-impact, centrally-supported collaborations amongst the sarcoma research community.

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Research Advocacy Council

Patient holding doctor hand

The SARC Research Advocacy Council seeks motivated patient advocates who are passionate about helping to support and drive sarcoma research advancements.

why choose a clinical trial?

Patient holding doctor hand

It is often thought that clinical trials are a last resort, but they may in fact be a good way to begin your treatment and receive excellent care from the very start.


Adoptive Cell Therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses your own immune system to treat your cancer; it may be an option for patients with some types of sarcoma. To learn more, speak with your doctor. 

SARC is grateful to Dr. Seth Pollack, Northwestern University, for his expert guidance in producing this SARC-developed educational video.

Peter Fantozzi

patient advocate & representative

“I got involved [in patient advocacy] because I’ve been passionate about cancer research ever since I was diagnosed with cancer when I was 11-years old. So now as a 12-year survivor the SARC Research Advocacy Council really allows me to do a few things. 1. It allows me to give back to a cause that is important; 2. It allows me to develop my skills as a psycho-oncology researcher; and 3. It allows me to fill a need for patient advocates.”

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