Contact Information Existing patients +1 612 676 4200 New patients +1 855 FAIRVIEW (+1 855 324 7843) Referrals +1 855 486 7226 Financial liason +1 612 672 6724 Designations and Memberships NCI Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies Commission on Cancer APEx SNMMI Designated Comprehensive Radiopharmaceutical Therapy Center of Excellence National Pancreas Foundation Center of Excellence National Organization of Rare Diseases Center of Excellence Sarcoma Faculty Medical Director Dr. Edward Greeno Administrative Director Katie Nelson Surgeons 5 Medical Oncologists 4 Surgical Oncologists 2 Orthopedic Oncologists 3 Radiologists 4 Sarcoma Pathologists 2 Physicians Sara Alcorn, MD Edward Cheng, MD Denis Clohisy, MD Kathryn Dusenbery, MD Jutta Ellermann, MD Andrea Espejo-Freire, MD Emily G. Greengard, MD Jane Hui, MD Samuel Luchsinger, DO Shelly Marette, MD Paari Murugan, MD Christian Ogilvie, MD Emilian Racila, MD Keith Skubitz, MD Takashi Takahashi, MD Stephanie Terezakis, MD Todd Tuttle, MD Brenda Weigel, MD Sarcoma Information New cases of sarcoma seen anually Over 100 Average number of sarcoma surgeries per year Over 100 Sarcoma clinical trials actively accruing patients in the past 12 months 17 Proton beam radiation therapy No Dedicated institutional sarcoma registry Yes Multi-disciplinary tumor board Yes Services Offered Telemedicine consultations Yes Sarcoma patient advocacy group Yes For pediatric Patients Go To: M Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital