Contact Information Existing patients +1 615 936 1762 New patients +1 615 936 1762 Referrals +1 615 936 1762 Financial liason +1 615 936 1762 Designations and Memberships NCI Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Program: We see patients up to age 30 with select sarcomas National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Children's Oncology Group (COG) National Pediatric Cancer Foundation (NPCF) Beat Childhood Cancer (BCC) Sarcoma Faculty Medical Director Scott Borinstein MD, PhD Nurse Director Karen Shores Surgeons 10 Medical Oncologists 6 Surgical Oncologists 3 Orthopedic Oncologists 4 Radiologists 9 Interventional Radiologists 1 Sarcoma Pathologists 4 Sarcoma Information New cases of sarcoma seen anually 26–50 Average number of sarcoma surgeries per year 1–25 Sarcoma clinical trials actively accruing patients in the past 12 months 9 Proton beam radiation therapy No Dedicated institutional sarcoma registry Yes Multi-disciplinary tumor board Yes Services Offered Telemedicine consultations Yes Sarcoma patient advocacy group No For adult Patients Go To: Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center